The GLOW Program


GLOW provides powerful 8 week programs designed for youth between the ages of 9-16. Each session utilizes a GLOW Circle to promote age appropriate discussions as well as introducing fun and creative physical activity to participants.  


By providing girls with a safe environment to share their ideas and opinions, it strengthens their confidence and self-esteem and encourages them to express themselves more fully and critically think through their behaviour and choices. Girls will figure out who they are and learn more about their own values, interests, and talents.  


The GLOW Programs help girls build confidence and resilience needed to face life's challenges. 



Upcoming GLOW Program Groups will be listed here when available. If there are no current GLOW Groups being offered, you can still get involved by purchasing the GLOW Leader Guides and running a GLOW Program in your own community.


For more information, reach out to us at